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Thoughts on Vlogging

Thoughts on Vlogging

Thoughts on Vlogging

Collaboration and CTAs
There’s no easier way to invoke the Internet’s bite than an inauthentic marketing campaign. If you’re planning to work with vloggers who have large and established viewership bases, be sure that your brand is a natural fit for the content—or that the vlogger is talented enough to work your product into the message in a way that doesn’t feel forced. Careful collaboration and deciding how the call to action is integrated into the content are key.

Vlog Interviews
Consider two-minute street interviews with your CEO, managers, or industry experts. Your company leaders are incredibly interesting people with great stories and off-the-cuff responses to surprise questions. Interviewing them further humanizes your company and builds trust and empathy with your audience. Unlike Facebook Live, where you can’t take it back, you only post what works when vlogging!

Event/Conference/Trade Show Recaps
Younger consumers and audiences love to share experiences. Whether you’re exhibiting at or attending an industry event, seek out a digitally savvy millennial or gen Zer and assign them the task of finding cool innovations and technology to share or vlog from behind the scenes with the event staff or speakers.

Daily Doses
Daily doses of humor, trivia, or positive stories are always a great way to start the day or the week. Your audience will look forward to hearing from you or your coworkers if you can start their day with a smile or hearty laugh.

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